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IslamDunk t1_j27xet2 wrote

UBI before universal healthcare and basic food and shelter rights will be a detriment to our society. I’d love to live in a world where UBI is common, but I can only imagine that corporations will find ways of swallowing that money up through things like monthly subscriptions for the most basic shit.


MarkArrows t1_j2823ie wrote

Rent hikes will be concrete shoes everyone has to wear. And the moment the housing market crashes, companies will swoop in to buy the real estate before anyone else can.

It's gonna be a shitshow :[


NoRexTreX t1_j28gx3k wrote

Rent is decided by supply and demand. If demand (or revealed demand) goes up it's because more people are able to enter the market, and supply of housing temporarily not being able to keep up with demand. Supply follows demand over time, and with a UBI there will be a new class of people with revealed demands for the market to accommodate.


NoRexTreX t1_j28gc7u wrote

Government pays your monthly subscriptions for the most basic things is bad? Sound's good to me.


Practical-Mix-4332 t1_j28rcch wrote

Yes because that means the government is subsidizing private companies to overcharge for their products


NoRexTreX t1_j291y5s wrote

That's just what UBI could look like under specific conditions. That's a different problem that needs a solution on it's own. This is one way er do it in Norway, I don't know about you. It's not about UBI, which is literally giving people money. The companies only get money in the next step of UBI. You could switch out the companies with a communist food credit system or ledger, safety money, quota, daily bounty or whatever system you like, the point is that everyone should get it.