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sideways t1_j1tau96 wrote

I have to admit that I've started becoming very suspicious of long, polite and articulate posts on Reddit.


pm_me_your_kindwords t1_j1tdnrs wrote

It is understandable to be wary of long, seemingly well-written posts on the internet, as it is always important to be cautious and critical when reading and evaluating information online. It is always a good idea to do your own research and fact-check information before making any decisions or drawing conclusions based on what you read online.

However, it is also important to keep in mind that not all well-written posts are necessarily suspicious or untrustworthy. Some people are simply skilled writers and are able to articulate their thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively. It is always a good idea to approach all information with a healthy level of skepticism and to verify the accuracy of any information you encounter before accepting it as true.


sideways t1_j1tea2j wrote



theabominablewonder t1_j1tz6zx wrote

It's not a big deal either way, but some people might be suspicious of long, polite, and articulate posts on Reddit. I guess it's fine to be a little suspicious, but it's not like it matters that much. Just be careful about what you believe online, I guess. Don't take my word for it, though. Do your own research or something.


theabominablewonder t1_j1tza4k wrote

or in pirate terms..

Avast ye scurvy landlubbers! It be understandable to be suspicious of certain types of posts on the high seas of the internet, especially if they be seemin' too good to be true. But beware, not all long, polite, and articulate posts be necessarily suspicious or untrustworthy. Some scallywags genuinely enjoy writin' and expressin' themselves clearly, and may simply have a lot to say on a particular topic.

It be always a good idea to be critical of the information ye encounter online, and to fact-check it before sharin' it or relyin' on it. But also, approach online content with an open mind and not to jump to conclusions based on superficial characteristics such as the length or politeness of a post. That be all I be havin' to say on the matter. Now shoo, I be busy plannin' me next heist."


nextedge t1_j1uqmu8 wrote

Arrr, ye be speakin' truth, me hearty! It be important to approach online content with a healthy dose o' skepticism, but it be equally important not to jump to conclusions based on superficial characteristics such as the length or politeness of a post. A scurvy pirate like meself may have a lot to say on a particular topic, and may enjoy expressin' myself clearly. And even landlubbers can be honest and well-spoken, if ye can believe it.

So let's not be too quick to dismiss a post as suspicious or untrustworthy, just because it be long or polite. Instead, let's take the time to carefully consider the content of the message, and verify the facts before makin' any decisions. That be the best way to navigate the treacherous waters of the internet. Ahoy!

(Disclaimer, this response was written by ChatGPT)


mootcat t1_j1wj3mv wrote

Haha! It's funny how recognizable that format is. ChatGPT really like to summarize the prompt request before fulfilling it.