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M3KVII t1_j1n8ryu wrote

I think it will just make niche classical art that much more expensive and sought after. The selling point will be, “this was organically made with real paints, took 300 hours, on special canvas, etc etc.” Your paying for the authenticity of the art piece, the “realness “ if you will. If your an inbetween artist that makes furry fan art, your fucked as far as making any money off it. But then again it questionable whether it was “real,” art to begin with lol. So far the “artists,” I see posting against AI on Instagram are no where near good enough to be complaining. If anything they should use the AI art as a reference to get better.


elysios_c t1_j23m4a6 wrote

Check some art directors that use AI art, they are leagues ahead already because they actually have the skill to tell what's a good image and what's not. You will notice a pattern with art directors supporting AI art that's because it allows them to replace every artist that was working for them it allows them to do what they didn't have time to do by producing images fast.