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triton100 t1_j1rqmlk wrote

How does it decipher fake over real news?


redditguyjustinp OP t1_j1rsb1b wrote

Its a work in progress, but IMO the biggest issue in most news stories is that they will selectively leave out facts and context to give a narrow view of the story. I'm counteracting that by synthesizing many different sources into a single story. Very little news is straight up "fake", its usually a bit more subtle than that.


triton100 t1_j1rv1g3 wrote

It’s an intriguing proposition and I commend you for trying it however I am wary there may be a danger that software like this may inadvertently spread misinformation even more if it uses sources derived from places like Twitter. We all know false stories spread like wild fire there. People dying who haven’t really. Etc.


AndromedaAnimated t1_j1rytas wrote

The example I remember best was the meme doge being declared dead when it was alive.