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Pro_RazE t1_j0pu0rp wrote

Imagine a food subreddit but people only post about Italian food. That's what it feels like for them. They can ban whatever they want. Why should we care?


rushmc1 t1_j0q1brl wrote

And yet, Italian food remains food. If they want posts about Mexican food, what is stopping them from posting some?


medraxus t1_j0pzpu2 wrote

Can’t wait until AGI arrives, because some peoples minds work in unexplainable ways


Thelmara t1_j0pw9w2 wrote

They want content other than stuff about AI, too. They've been overwhelmed with posts about AI, so they're asking about taking a break from AI posts.


rushmc1 t1_j0q1i85 wrote

No one is forcing people to post about AI. It sounds like the active posters are posting on topics that interest them, while the others are just whining rather than stepping up and posting themselves.


Cult_of_Chad t1_j0q3msq wrote

Who cares.

Futurology is a garbage sub full of literal idiots and this site would be a better place of it imploded. It's not like containment boards actually work on Reddit anymore. Whiny doomers dominate this site more each day. The comments there are indistinguishable from r/technology. What a waste.

r/futurism seems a promising replacement


NefariousNaz OP t1_j0q4rlh wrote

Didn't know about the r/Futurism sub. I will check it out.


rdlenke t1_j0q15sp wrote

The post that you linked doesn't argue for banning A.I. Either you linked the wrong post, or are malicious trying to mislead people (probably the first option).

If you are talking about this post, well, it's a unfortunate situation. The user is just tired of seeing the same post again and again, talking about which jobs will be automated and other what ifs. They even say "for a couple of weeks".


rushmc1 t1_j0q1m34 wrote

Why should anyone care about what one user is tired of seeing? No one is forcing them to look. It's not remotely "understandable."


rdlenke t1_j0q6779 wrote

Maybe they are checking if other users feel that way? It's a discussion/suggestion post. It's very common to users of a subreddit discuss the kind of content that is appearing, discuss if it's overwhelming, and change the rules if people agree.

It happens in almost every sub that gets a high influx of content of a specific topic. That's how you end up with specific days for specific kinds of posts.

The mod of that sub doesn't seem to think that it is a problem, so it's no biggie.


crap_punchline t1_j0q5awn wrote

I suppose they could use some more posts about robots instead


Lawjarp2 t1_j0q6itc wrote

Coping mechanism. Some can't handle the overstimulation of seeing something too often. It overwhelms their brains.


rushmc1 t1_j0q19im wrote

Authoritarians are rampant everywhere. And surging.