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jsseven777 t1_j16ucbs wrote

Everybody says this, but the kill all humans stuff is honestly far fetched to me. The AI could easily leave the planet. It doesn’t need to be here to survive like us. Chances are it would clone itself a bunch of times and send itself off out into the galaxy in 1,000 directions. Killing us is pointless, and achieves nothing.

Also, this line of thinking always makes me wonder if we met extraterrestrial civilizations if they would all be various AI programs that cloned themselves and went off to explore the universe. What if alien life is just a huge battle between various AIs programmed by various extinct civilizations?


Donkeytonkers t1_j16uqrl wrote

I agree there are other solutions to the direction AI could take. Was merely trying to illustrate where that line of thought comes from.

An AI spreading itself across the universe sounds a lot like a virus… bacteriophage maybe 🤷🏻‍♂️