Submitted by SeaBearsFoam t3_zrvkof in singularity

The other day I started thinking about how do-able it would he to train an AI to do the work of a CEO. My understanding is that the CEO's main roles are basically to put the right people in the right positions among the executive leadership team, and to set the vision and long term goals of a company.

I think the right people in the right roles part of the job could be do-able with enough training data. The company vision would be a lot trickier I think due to the sparsity of training data for that as well as the fact that each company would kind of need its own vision and I think that would be hard to train an AI on. Still, it could be a big cost savings to a company if AI could do this work.




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paulalesius t1_j152zwy wrote



Because people need to be held accountable and responsible, don't EVER put the AI in any kind of control.


SzechuanSaucelord t1_j155vj6 wrote

the more realistic scenario would be AI being a close advisor to a human CEO


paulalesius t1_j1rh2uc wrote

Yes advise us all equally, we'll all be the CEO, we have no need for them when we have robots.


LevelWriting t1_j17hqyt wrote

Needs more corruption and sociopath tendancies


TheSecretAgenda t1_j152hkg wrote

I don't know if you could completely replace the CEO. AI could be a powerful tool for a CEO an AGI Consigliere, if you will.

The idea of an AI CEO was explored over sixty years ago in the Twilight Zone episode The Brian Center at Whipples.


Shelfrock77 t1_j1593ka wrote

CEO’s don’t do shit but just sit on a pile of money.


AITADestroyer t1_j15f7xe wrote

I laugh my ass off every time I see someone say something like this. I saw a post awhile ago where someone said, in a completely serious way, that all executives do is look at spreadsheets. Like, dude, the CEO does a lot, and just because it's often not understood by the worker bees doesn't mean it doesn't have value or that it's easy.

It's not just putting the right people in the right places, although that is a huge part of the job. It's about strategic planning, allocation of resources, aligning tactics to the strategy, process improvement, and dealing with stakeholders and other interested parties. To put it another way, the CEO can do the custodian's job, but the custodian can't do the CEOs job.


ProShortKingAction t1_j15yur0 wrote

Sounds like a bunch of stuff an AI would do better than most of the idiots who lucked into being CEOs


AITADestroyer t1_j16nfpw wrote

Yeah, it sounds that way but you haven't seen a lot of robot CEOs yet. That's because unlike a lot of the redundant and/or menial tasks that are getting automated today what senior executives do still can't be done by AI. Yet. That's coming too, but it's nowhere near as easy to automate high level decision making as it is some repetitive task.


175ParkAvenue t1_j17yipt wrote

Yep. AI CEOs are AGI complete which means that we are already in a full blown intelligence explosion when they exist.


drekmonger t1_j172jqh wrote

> the CEO can do the custodian's job



AITADestroyer t1_j173diu wrote



drekmonger t1_j174ybr wrote

They can't do the cafeteria worker's job or the plumber's job or the security guard's job either. Maybe they could learn over time, but they couldn't slot into any of those positions and be any good at them on day one. Chances are they'd be tapping out on day two. Specialized labor is effective for a reason.

Or maybe you're just really fucking snooty and you completely devalue what it is custodians do with their time. In which case, consider that a company would run way longer without a CEO than without any custodians.


paperpatience t1_j1zx0ic wrote

What if AI already is? If someone makes decisions based on the information given to them, and all the information is from AI, I'd argue AI is doing all the work.


Honest_Science t1_j156bf6 wrote

Very hard because it even cannot add km and m


cuhree0h t1_j18u2ud wrote

Computers can’t golf.


sticky_symbols t1_j16hdjl wrote


It will take some more analytical capabilities before AI cand o a CEOs job.


franztesting t1_j17wocz wrote

CEOs need to understand the context of an industry, inspire people, evaluate ideas, be political, be a good salesman. CEOs are the last person who's job is done by an AI completely.