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prodoosh t1_izy5sgq wrote

Idk if you can say that when autopilot already is 10x safer than the average human driver


User1539 t1_izyr47x wrote

I actually looked that up, and ... well, kind of, but mostly no.

That claim was actually 9X safer, and it was done with a tiny sample size of accidents, and didn't take into account that a person basically has to be driving the car with autopilot (so, there's no accounting for the number of times the human took over to stop an accident).

Also, almost no one is using autopilot in congested cities, and the tests that have been done weren't promising.

So, 9X safter, with sparse, cherry picked, data?

For areas without a ton of traffic, that are well known to the AI? It seems to do a pretty good job.

I'm not saying we don't nearly have it, or that we won't have it very soon. I'm just not sure it's as good as some people think it is.


prodoosh t1_j00n57w wrote

Thanks. Good write up of the issue. Most auto pilot use is in the easiest scenarios. Makes sense why the numbers look too good to be true