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SansSanctity t1_j0w984y wrote

I am a professional software developer. The Web3 space is full of scammers and sleezy car-salesmen-like crypto bros who think nothing of scamming the fuck out of the average individual through their bullshit marketing.

Consider that the designations "Web 1.0" and "Web 2.0" are RETROSPECTIVE. They describe the web as it has already been. These assholes are talking about "Web3" as though it's some technological inevitability.

Social media is fairly simple on a conceptual level and that didn't even become widespread until two decades into the intro of the web, and these assholes want to try to talking about entirely unproved architectures taking over perfectly functional systems that we already have in place.

I won't buy into Web3 until the entire space is cleansed of these greedy frat-bro fucks and replaced with autistic sysadmins who see daylight twice a week.


Electronic_Source_70 t1_j0wk8z2 wrote

I think the people who succumb to this think blockchain is a magical spell that will somehow create the new infrastructure of the internet.