Submitted by crua9 t3_zpz35d in singularity

A major thing to note is the hope of this guide is that an average user will be able to understand what Web 3 is without needing to have massive former training. But it is expected that you as the user will be able to do research in things you don't understand, ask questions, or have prior knowledge in things like what is a blockchain.

Side note: 1985 is when .com first came about. Web 3 is basically in the 80s if we are to compare it with the internet today. A lot of the wait is waiting for the technology to get there. This was a hurdle even up to early 2000s.


In this guide you will learn about the

  • Structure difference between Web 3 and Web 2
  • Why Web 3 is needed
  • NFT


The structure of Web 2 is simply the website is hosted on private servers. You might not be able to point at the exact machine, but you should be able to point to the general area the website is on. Where with Web 3, this is decentralized to a point.

What I mean by this is some things won't hit the blockchain at first. This is due to

  • Security
  • Cost
  • Time
  • Ease


So for example if general Web 3 links to CBDC. A gov blockchain that keeps things mostly secure and not public. Then it is likely eventually your medical records and other basics will be on the blockchain. However, things like

  • Company internal websites
  • Personal 1 off things (like if you are testing something)
  • And information too expensive to store on the blockchain in question

It is likely this will use a hybrid model.


The best example I can think of is Walmart. If you go to the site, what you interface largely will come from the blockchain. However, things like item count or things that can change often might be on local Walmart servers like they are now.

The benefit to this is it takes a load off of Walmart. Basically it lowers the stress from Walmart servers since people aren't directly connecting to them for the bulk of what they see and do. This means less data needs to come from Walmart, higher speeds, and overall lower cost.

Now as data storage becomes better, it is likely one day all of this will be fully on the blockchain. But until we see that technology leap, I doubt it will happen anytime soon as of the writing of this.


It should be noted that Web 3 is built with AI in mind. Right now we don't have a good AI we can hand it over to. But it is likely AI will help keep things nice and secure.


Why Web 3 is needed:

The reason why Web 3 is needed is a mixture of a few things.

  1. It solves most cases of link rot.
  2. It is more adaptable to upcoming technology.
  3. We are about to go into an AR world.

So lets get into the first point. Link rot is basically when a link provided is dead or the information in it has changed enough to make it useless. This is actually a major problem in nearly all industries and, it there honestly is no good way to preserve data.

Like for example, right now we have nearly every major library in the USA that archives things for history. Many times archiving the exact same thing. While this duplication helps in some ways, one libraries don't keep up their systems for one reason or the other. And they are already finding some lost data. This causing link rot.

Where with archiving the stuff on the blockchain, it is for the most part there forever. And then if someone wanted to, they can far more easily tie the systems together so the duplications doesn't happen. And with AI baked in Web 3, it can prevent duplications from taxing the system more than needed.


Web 2 is very limited to future technology like digital identifies, ownership of digital goods, and so on. Where with Web 3, it is being built with this in mind.


NFT and AR world:

It is extremely likely smart glasses, contacts, and implants will become more and more of a thing. It has been predicted many times AR will replace our normal use of phones and other items like your computer, TV, and so on.

It is likely there will be a government and societal push since this eliminates the majority of e-waste. For example, if you have smart gear, you don't need a physical TV in your house. All the plastic, metals, and so on isn't needed and not bought. Meaning that doesn't go in a landfill one day. Same with many other devices you use to include your computer.

If you have haptic implants or use smart wearables you will be able to feel a virtual item. With implants or maybe future tech you will be able to smell, taste, and feel the heat/cold of the virtual item.

What was once a blank barebone bedroom

it becomes

Each room in your house turns into a virtual world of your creation. Your workspace, house, and everything is limited by the creativity of you and those around you.

You will have functional and dynamic NFT which saves your settings. This allowing others with their AR gear to see, hear, and feel things in real time along with you.

For example, you sit down to watch something on your virtual TV on the wall. Just like now, the person next to you will see it in real time. But lets assume you and your partner doesn't want to watch the same thing. Maybe you like action films and she wants to watch a romance. It should be possible for her AR system to ignore parts of the NFT to allow her to play what she wants, see what she wants, while you do the same.

Anyways, I imagine more and more of our lives will depend heavier and heavier on this technology as things progress. But as noted, this is impossible with Web 2. While if you use a closed system it might be possible. Your AR system will basically be locked in that eco system or area. Where with Web 3, AR will be apart of your every day life no matter where you are.

Like where holograms generally aren't safe in the real world, and therefore not possible like in the movies. AR makes it where it is possible. Where if you walk into a store, you get holographic help, you can ask for directions and it shows on the ground in front of you, smart cars can communicate with it to keep you safe, and so on.


And anyone who studied technology dealing with the brain like Emotiv

You will know that sooner or later even without implants if you think it, your computer will do it. Meaning one day your keyboard, mouse, and even physical interaction on your phone will change to simply thinking.

So if you want to play with your AR pet, then just think it. If you want to turn your bedroom from a forest to a beach or off. Just think it.

Note there is more to this, but I don't want to overload anyone.



It should be noted the average Web 3 user SHOULD NOT need to know they are on the blockchain and so on. This will just work for them. Similar to how it just works now where the person doesn't know or need to know all the backend stuff.



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SansSanctity t1_j0w984y wrote

I am a professional software developer. The Web3 space is full of scammers and sleezy car-salesmen-like crypto bros who think nothing of scamming the fuck out of the average individual through their bullshit marketing.

Consider that the designations "Web 1.0" and "Web 2.0" are RETROSPECTIVE. They describe the web as it has already been. These assholes are talking about "Web3" as though it's some technological inevitability.

Social media is fairly simple on a conceptual level and that didn't even become widespread until two decades into the intro of the web, and these assholes want to try to talking about entirely unproved architectures taking over perfectly functional systems that we already have in place.

I won't buy into Web3 until the entire space is cleansed of these greedy frat-bro fucks and replaced with autistic sysadmins who see daylight twice a week.


Electronic_Source_70 t1_j0wk8z2 wrote

I think the people who succumb to this think blockchain is a magical spell that will somehow create the new infrastructure of the internet.


Foundation12a t1_j0vcb2u wrote

Lol. Nft's.


HumanSeeing t1_j0vseul wrote

Na bruh trust me, i know what the future of the internet will be like. I even have diagrams!


neo101b t1_j0vet99 wrote

I can see NFTs as being a digital key to help sign proof of ownership, to allow people to go to concerts.

You could even see if its a fake ticket or not by checking it on the blockchain.

Traditional tickets can be faked, scan a real one print it off and sell, easy money for scammers.


crua9 OP t1_j0vedps wrote

Nft is just a file on the blockchain. Unlike normal files they can have smart features built in.


Mrkvitko t1_j0w0f6x wrote

No, NFTs are not files on a blockchain. They are usually URLs linking to a centralized server on the blockchain. :D


crua9 OP t1_j0w8epf wrote

WTF are you talking about?

Blockchain is just a way to store information. A lot of the NFT that do this point to IPFS which is another .... blockchain


901bass t1_j0vdxuz wrote

Meta what ... no thanks, web huh? nah..


turnip_burrito t1_j0vzbsg wrote

I have not been persuaded by most of the proposed use cases for digital scarcity which requires massive compute (energy) to even function as a trustless distributed ledger and smart contract system.

To me it mostly seems like a toy, or more inefficient than centralized record keeping.


theDropout t1_j0w18a6 wrote

Current paradigms will be replaced by low-cost, low-energy, etc solutions. This is more about the underlying concept of a distributed database and how it affects other systems.

The same way that current AI is basically an expensive toy in its current form, but the concept of automated intelligence has massive consequences as it scales.


turnip_burrito t1_j0wg2q2 wrote

How do you secure a network against a 51% attack without making the resource requirements to run the network enormous, too large for a single party or coalition of parties to maintain?


theDropout t1_j0wgdnm wrote

I think Avalanches probabilistic consensus and XRP’s consensus has some novel answers to this question.

(They’re not 100% of the way there but they point at the solution, I think Flare Networks has adopted an interesting solution that layers these with the EVM)


Veneck t1_j0ze8kd wrote

It's a question to which the answer will be found in game theory and adjacent realms, but this really only matters in particular environments


RavenWolf1 t1_j0wb9au wrote

Why would I want this when in future I can download car for free and robots do everything?


ghomerl t1_j0vf09n wrote

sorry bro this already exists, its called ds download play, get with the times


Kafke t1_j0w501p wrote

There's so much that's wrong here...


theDropout t1_j0w0xbl wrote

A lot of people are dissolutiond by today's version of web3 (like in this thread).

Consensus algorithms are advancing very quickly, and all of the current critisisms are being addressed. With AI and VR and Web3 developing at the same time, this will be a very path-dependant future.

It all depends on which silo gets built fastest, they will have leverage over how the others get developed.


Kafke t1_j0w59k1 wrote

Have they solved the money issue yet? As long as blockchains are paywalled and only deal with ownership of digital tokens, they will always be entirely useless.


theDropout t1_j0w5le9 wrote

I am personally speculating that systems like Flare Networks “state connector” can solve this issue, but it is currently unproven.

Again, the development path dependence is big here.


Ribak145 t1_j0w67a1 wrote

I have yet to find a blockchain solution to be the best fit for a human problem


Desi___Gigachad t1_j0w0kg3 wrote

This was a really great read! Thank you! :D


TheBoundFenrir t1_j0w9eqt wrote

"So there's this problem where people on the web will keep a record of where the information is located rather than store the information directly. Then the information gets moved and no-one updates the directions to get to it.

I propose we solve this problem by having other people keep a record of where the information is located, only we encrypt it.


MrTacobeans t1_j0wgheb wrote

I really don't see why AR/VR is so intertwined with Blockchain shenanigans. If a web 3 develops some day I don't really see a future where block chain is the enabling software to provide secure meaningful interactions. This can already be done almost entirely without crypto. Look at any MMO. Almost every single game survived decades without a shiny new minted Blockchain.

Even in a decentralized network there needs to be a centralized player(s) to guarantee the network doesn't fail. What's the point of an extremely secure network if there is no full guarantee that data will still be secure and present in 10 years.

Or say we figured out all the technicalities and you some how lost every key/recovery. That means part of the chain will be functionally locked away forever without a significant upheaval or a chain that can break rules without security implications.

To me if a web 3 develops. It'll likely be an extremely efficient hub of data with some sort of strong AI influence but not something solely based on the security of crypto


thEiAoLoGy t1_j0ycdba wrote

Decentralization was tried in games with p2p and it sucks.


Electronic_Source_70 t1_j0wjmfh wrote

Who coined this new block chain system as web 3, and who are they to be able to do this? Also, blockchain is not an infrastructure that will save the world or at all innovative. I don't agree with this system to be web 3 unless the USA government or companies with huge amounts of influence on the internet are calling it that(crypto companies are not at all credible). From what I am concerned about, this is at most web 2.5. Also, putting AI nonchalantly in this system when you have no idea how it will be implemented and just making it up to sound like a real world JARVIS makes this sound more of a scam. From what I'm concerned Web 3 will not be a thing unless the whole internet infrastructure is changed, not adding blockchain like if it was some kind of magic spell


Electronic_Source_70 t1_j0wn72v wrote

Let me preface this by saying we don't know what web3 is yet until a couple of years where most have changed their infrastructure from the current web to the new one, and it's widely used and worked on this can take 2 years maybe 10. If it's this decentralized web, then sure, but looking at how it works, I doubt this will be it also by 2.5. I just mean a modified version of web 2, which is more secure


SkirtGoBrr t1_j0wv9oh wrote

This is really off the mark. So weird that Web3 name has been contaminated by this shit.

The next ‘Web’ is likely just going to be an open standard agreed upon by the industry analogously to HTML.

This is what the majority of tech companies are aiming for in regards to the ‘next web.’ Whether blockchain or NFTs take off is kind of irrelevant.


camdoodlebop t1_j0xps4k wrote

you make a lot of great and valid points but i think NFTs just aren't a viable product, people just don't respond well to artificial scarcity.


AndromedaAnimated t1_j0ydn5z wrote

I think your post reads like a wonderful dream. I don’t care if it is correct or true for now (I stay away from NFT topics generally as the discussion seems so toxic on those), but I enjoyed the read and that beautiful pic of a forest bedroom.


United_Radish_9236 t1_j0yib1f wrote

Nice explanation. We definitely have to beware of scammers though.