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AndromedaAnimated t1_izx2485 wrote

Yeah, and how many of those images will a gallery manager want to hang in their marble halls? How many of those images can be used to wash money through donations of overpriced goods? AI art will stay worth nothing if it can be made cheaply. Art has long since lost its actual worth, its a money washing machine for rich people and those pieces of art sold for millions are often just a turd thrown on paper. Buyer, artist, gallery manager and museum as well as the buyers bank and the financial ministry of the country where the “avoiding taxes through pseudo-charity” happens are all involved and know.

Don’t worry, I can draw and paint your ten images a day in the quality of most modern artists. Is not a joke. Just give me the PROMPTS. I have no original ideas whatsoever. I am like the famous Austrian ruler who wanted to become an artist but was nothing but an artisan considering painting and drawing. I could copy every Banksy for you except the shredded one. Believe me, the quality will be amazing, but no museum will ever buy any of this.

Art has been an illusion for a long time now.

I would LOVE for AI to shatter this corrupt society of “art”.