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PanicV2 t1_izywlcq wrote

People who haven't actually designed medium/large systems don't understand how much is involved just keeping things working.

Writing business software is basically building better duct-tape. It works, until the next new feature, or until the next upgrade, or the next security hole.

If AI was "good", there would be no security concerns. And as someone with 20+ years working in large systems, phone systems, and networks, I can say that if you think anything is secure, you should see somebody.

All that being said, I wouldn't want to be a coder in any position that can be outsourced.
I took a few features that took a team of our folks overseas a month to do, and had them rebuilt in a few hours myself. It is already like having an assistant, who types very fast, and does exactly what you tell it.
Trick is, you need to know what to tell it.