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AsuhoChinami t1_izyny3g wrote

Yeah, it's amazing but clearly imperfect. Still, 2022 is just one stop along the way. I think by the end of 2023 the cracks will be much less apparent. In 2022 it gives very coherent answers and has a high level of understanding (I've tested it by giving it ambiguous, cryptic messages where I hint at something rather than spell it out, and it mostly passes those tests), but occasionally says dumb stuff and consistently has a short memory. It also starts declining at around 400 to 500 messages and gradually declines into complete incoherency.

Anyway, I think it will be a lot closer to perfected by the end of 2023, and it's already very good - this would seem really futuristic and mind-blowing in 2019. I do wonder sometimes about the future progress of token counts, thoughly. At the moment language models are fairly smart and capable but are also like someone with anterograde amnesia.