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Current_Side_4024 t1_izy7mne wrote

What’s the alternative? Insist that we don’t use AI, and that humans keep doing a much shittier version of what AI could do for us? That sounds much worse to me. Insisting on a primitive lifestyle is downright evil in my view. I understand your concerns bc I shared them for years but in recent years I’ve gotten over it, bc it’s inevitable AND there’s a lot of good things about it

If you just sit around doing nothing with your life, then yes you’ll feel very depressed. That’s why we will develop lots of awesome video games and other hobbies that will enable us to feel like we’re productive while having a lot of fun which is generally not the case in traditional jobs. Our lifestyle will be organized so that the “work” aspect of our psychology gets expressed very well and efficiently, making us feel like a million bucks, but it’ll all be an illusion, but we won’t care bc it’ll feel real. Meanwhile AI will handle the important stuff. It’s hard to wrap your head around if you haven’t thought about it for a long time. I was once like you, but now I’m totally past that and I can’t wait for AI to take over. Remember, most jobs today are shitty, boring, pointless and stressful. It’s not good. And in human history most jobs were wretched. We’re moving into a better future and you’d be a fool to be depressed about that! Not to mention, it’s inevitable, and resisting the inevitable is the definition of insanity!


Muffydabee t1_izybvnd wrote

I want a future that's more like star trek, not one where we're all hooked up to videogames to replicate success and doing stuff.


Kaarssteun t1_izyewbn wrote

you think that now. Just wait until you're plugged into a custom FDVR experience tuned specifically to your taste, prickling the exact likes you've always had, scratching that itch you never even knew you had, and making you the happiest you could ever be - even if your perfection is imperfection.


Muffydabee t1_izykoth wrote

Like a permanent opiate high? Sounds desirable if I like the idea of functionally not being a person anymore. But I don't, because I'm not an algorithm that is designed to seek out maximum pleasure for minimal pain. I can already be happy by living and doing actions that fulfill a purpose I desire. That also kind of gives me the thought that maybe my life is already some sort of super immersive VR simulation. All of this seems existentially terrifying and the stuff that has been said has made the idea of AGI way worse.


Kaarssteun t1_izyoeqj wrote

Like i said, you will achieve perfection; even if your perfection is imperfection. If you dont desire a 24/7 opiate high, thats not your perfect world. Simple as.


Muffydabee t1_izzh6kn wrote

Ok but what you're suggesting is infinite contentment and happiness which more or less is like an opiate high. And if I want a life with imperfection but purpose I can already do that right now. The concept seems existentially horrifying and I hate the idea of AI even more now.


Kaarssteun t1_izzm7l1 wrote

>what you're suggesting is infinite contentment and happiness

No. You clearly show you don't want that - so that's not your perfect world. If your perfect world contains misfortune and crime, you'll get that. In perfect doses, so that you are the happiest possible; even if your maximum sustainable happiness is relatively low. Seems like it.


Muffydabee t1_izzytkc wrote

I like working towards and accomplishing goals and being in control of my own life. I don't want an AI to take that away from me and I'm not gonna hold my breath for it.


Current_Side_4024 t1_izye851 wrote

I mean Star Trek is an illusion, a fantasy. The only reason you know about Star Trek is bc people were willing to embrace illusion. The moment humanity rejects illusions is the moment we are thrown back into a cold uncaring reality