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illseeuanon_ t1_izyrb8a wrote

God I wish I could take this advice. I already knew everything here.

I have severe ADHD and can't get myself to take advantage of this opportunity. Causes me so much anxiety knowing all this is just passing me by.


AvgAIbot t1_izz3eka wrote

As someone with moderate ADHD, ChatGPT has been fucking awesome for my side hustle.

Task initiation is what I struggle with most.

With ChatGPT, you can make it do the boring part for you. Then just manually edit or prompt again to edit.

Highly recommend you start playing with ChatGPT


stupsnon t1_izze2r9 wrote

Adderall plus chatGPT - godly.


AvgAIbot t1_izzj2os wrote

God mode unleashed. It’s also fun with cannabinoids, I prefer HHC. A more relaxed focus and good for creativity


iateadonut t1_izzr7s1 wrote

i was gonna say: take your PEDs and do it! i get modafinil.


JohnnySasaki20 t1_j005kfg wrote

What are you using it for?


AvgAIbot t1_j00gf7h wrote

Product descriptions, sales page copy, headlines, tik tok scripts, articles, about us page


gambinesh t1_izzh9n9 wrote

Nah bro - just make it your next hyperfocus. Don't put an objective on it. Just go play with it. Shit is funny as hell. Don't put to much pressure on it. Just tinker for fun.


AdditionalPizza OP t1_izzm6go wrote

>Don't put to much pressure on it. Just tinker for fun.

That's good advice. Just use it and see what you can discover.


Tip_Odde t1_izz4ftb wrote

What opportunity? Capitalism is a lie, any idea you have will be pushed off the internet or purchased by big tech. Seek success in your community instead of financially and you'll function better (Obviously it wont cure your adhd)


HalfRiceNCracker t1_izzfebl wrote

I have ADHD and I study Deep Learning. If you're anything like me then you're looking at the big picture too much and you need to think of a place to start. What kind of stuff would you want to use these models for?


AdditionalPizza OP t1_izyyq2q wrote

Just use it whenever you think about it. If you can get through one prompt a day or something, it will be helpful?


BitsyTipsy t1_izzzsgv wrote

You’re literally typing onto Reddit. Instead type onto ChatGPT.


Captain_Pumpkinhead t1_j00ylbw wrote

Integrate it into projects. Programmer? Ask ChatGPT for tips and code examples. Got a cool idea for a children's book? Use Stable Diffusion to make the illustrations. Find one of your hyperfocal points, and see what applications are relevant to it.


ChronoPsyche t1_j0113hw wrote

I have ADHD too bro, just dive in. You'd be surprised how much ChatGPT really reduces that "task-initiation barrier" if used correctly.

What are your interests that you want to get a head start on? Maybe I can help give you some ideas of how to utilize ChatGPT to help.


point_breeze69 t1_j00szbs wrote

I have adhd too. I also had that same mindset as you. Stop talking that way and thinking that way. Believe in yourself and talk about yourself in a positive light, think about yourself in a positive light and soon enough you’ll start acting in that positive way you keep reiterating to yourself.


SwordsAndWords t1_j00um4d wrote

I started using Pixai and now I can't stop. I started putting my own art on Pixiv and everything. I never in a million years thought this is what I would be doing for fun, but I am and it's awesome. Writing too, never thought I'd be doing that either, and I haven't even tried to utilize AI for writing yet. Pretty excited to see what happens.


Tip_Odde t1_j020zcj wrote

Just wanted to clear up: I dont mean to attack you, I just used to feel the exact same way (about cutting edge tech 15 years ago, not AI specifically) and I am in no way telling you to give up interest in this stuff or pursuing a field as a career. Just saying that you can, if you want, realign your priorities so that you dont have to feel that anxiety as intensely - or at all. Thats of course very difficult to do without professional help (i.e therapy) but you can find ways to do it through support groups or selfguided research. Focus more on enriching your community and building bonds there (this can be an entirely digital community if need be), and that doesn't mean you have to be a social butterfly, and you will live a happier and healthier life.


Ashamed-Asparagus-93 t1_j04jzho wrote

I also have ADHD. Just relax and enjoy the ride. The main priority is to stay alive. A time will come when these worries of currency will pass and we can finally focus on what we're destined for

You me and everyone else here knows once AGI surpasses human intellect we will no longer have to squabble like rats over tiny pieces of cheese

We haven't entered the mind blowing era yet but it's coming