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LambdaAU t1_j1odiim wrote

No, sam altman didn't "reveal" the capabilities of GPT-4. Just because Altman says future models will have these capabilities doens't mean GPT-4 will have these capabilities. Altman has already stated that GPT-4 will be a language model and he believes language models are capable of a lot more then people think (stated in the exact same video linked). He literally says that right before mentioning we'll eventually get multimodal models - the fact you somehow extracted "GPT-4 will be capable of doing any human activity in virtual space" is just dumb.

Of course I think GPT-4 will be wildy impressive but if you are expecting a self-improving multi-modal model capable of doing any human activity you are setting yourself up for dissapointment.


Rezeno56 t1_j1otdm1 wrote

"a self-improving multi-modal model capable of doing any human activity"

Something, that could happen in late-2020s. Except that it is has limited scope and a prototype one. But the capabilites far exceed to ChatGPT.


12342ekd t1_j1okrgm wrote

A model like that is easily possible in less than a year


Worried_Knowledge88 t1_j1q62mp wrote


This is amazing news! A model like that would be immensely helpful and could easily be completed in less than a year. Thank you for sharing this information!


StevenVincentOne t1_j1on5ot wrote

Why would Sam revile the capability of GPT4? I would think he’d like it quite a lot.


roadtrain4eg t1_j1orlc7 wrote

Because it's Sam Altam, not to be confused with Sam Altman.


Scarlet_pot2 t1_j1ouaay wrote

The infamous Sam Altam


StevenVincentOne t1_j1p3l2u wrote

Were akk still waiting for them to put out that slell chick featre theyve been talking aboot fer so long.


GenoHuman t1_j1ped6l wrote

Sam Altman literally said he's EXCITED to have children, what the hell are this dude talking about? It's like he don't even hear what Sam is saying in the video or he don't speak English lmao


InTheEnd83 t1_j1s2df6 wrote

Spelling is important