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a4mula t1_j1y4etr wrote

Reply to comment by GeneralZain in Will we be replaced? by Bodhigomo

The difference is I could argue for already being in the singularity.

Unlike intelligence, or sentience, or awareness. There are actually decent definitions for it. They vary. But one is when a time is reached in which the pace of technological growth, is faster than any human can keep up with.

To that, I'd say we're well within the bounds of the definition.

The other words? Anyone that thinks that more data, or adding different modalities, or different algorithms can introduce these concepts.

Just don't understand them. That's okay, none of us do. But there are some like Chalmers, and his Hard Problem. Or Claude Shannon and Information Theory, or just plain common sense that should tell us that if we cannot define our own consciousness, we're probably not in a position to replicate it.
