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12342ekd t1_j03quki wrote

Yeah and since they’re computers, they will be communicating instantaneously and they will be able to share deep insights and express them better with each other than we ever could


CarlPeligro t1_j047zfy wrote

I've been feeling weirdly giddy lately. It didn't hit me right away. I messed around with ChatGPT for a few days and thought of it (for a time) as a kind of enhanced Google. But once I began to get a feel for what it was doing and the magnitude of what it was capable of -- that's when the giddiness set in. There is a kind of liberation that comes with a total loss of control. The giddiness set in with the gradual realization that nothing I do from here on out really matters all that much. Be a good person, try to get back in touch with some old friends, try to better myself wherever I can. But otherwise ...

The big-picture stuff is in AI's hands now, for better or for ill.


sideways t1_j04lm2t wrote

You are absolutely right - and quite early in that realization. Reminds me of this quote by Winston Churchill:

"Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."


[deleted] t1_j04d7oi wrote



CarlPeligro t1_j04ey9v wrote

I've heard of Pac-Man fever, but this man's come down with some Pac-Man dengue.