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Johnny_Glib t1_j04699i wrote

You're like an overexcited child on Christmas eve. Calm down, it's just a chatbot.


MechanicalBengal t1_j04clxj wrote

You realize that many customer service jobs are going to be over, very soon, right?

Not that human input will completely go away in the customer service workflow, but it will be more like self checkout at home depot, where you have one person monitoring eight registers at once and can intervene in the event of an issue.

This tech will do the exact same thing for low level CS.


SurroundSwimming3494 t1_j0588m1 wrote

I'm somewhat more skeptical. This AI isn't factally reliable, yet, so you can't really trust it with answers. Another reason I'm skeptical is because many people don't even try to conversate with the automated customer service agents we have now and skip right to a human agent, or would prefer to speak to them. I definitely think future models will definitely reshape customer service, but not this one. I might be wrong, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see.


blxoom t1_j04ast8 wrote

yeah. gpt 5 is when shit gets real.


ankurama t1_j04r7jb wrote

Personally, I'll hold my judgement till GPT 10 comes out. I'm skeptical till then.