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Kaining t1_j06681y wrote

> because that's seen as an easier fight than figuring out some way for increased efficiency to benefit everyone.

Lets face it, that's not really the case. We know where the money is, we knows who do not wants it to move around. I got a spoiled cousin that illustrated the problem very easily once. "If we don't have poor people, how can there be rich people (like me)"

The answer is in places like r/antiwork, r/latestagecapitalism. It's just frowned upon to talk about those anywhere but there.

Exponential progress that benefits everyone ? Automate the shit out of everything ! Exponential progress that benefits the usual ruling class ? Well, please no because we ain't far of a massive global conflict to cull the population then.


ShowerGrapes t1_j06j56v wrote

you can still have well-fed, housed and clothed poor people receiving adequate medical attention.


blueSGL t1_j094ea4 wrote

> "If we don't have poor people, how can there be rich people (like me)"

it's the same argument as those 'if we don't have pain and suffering how can you truly enjoy yourself'

or more simply "removing the toil removes meaning"

and that is a brainworm that far too many people have.


SnipingNinja t1_j0a3f7u wrote

This is even burrowed deeper than the you need to work ideology, I think you can still somewhat convince people that they don't need work but trying to convince that they don't need suffering to be happy is far more difficult ime


overlordpotatoe t1_j068dkt wrote

The thing is, though, that it's happening whether we like it or not. We're wasting our time and energy fighting against the technology.