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PanzerKommander t1_j5qypjy wrote

Most likely, there will be some form of UBI that part can still be invested.

The wealthy at the top aren't retarded. They didn't get their fortunes by not being able to see trends. They know that raising the QoL of everyone will be Their key to preserving a hierarchy with them at the top. They don't want chaos anymore, less probably, than we do. It will also be trivial for them to do it. Besides, they still need us to be consumers.

Now, as for me? My wife an I are fortunate and disciplined, we've invested 60-80% of our income for the last 15 years in a mixture of Index funds, T-Bills, and other well-balanced assets. We are going into our late 30s with a portfolio that, should we retire now, will grant us a better salary than the average American our age (we will keep working to ensure a much better outcome later of course).

Trust me, the S&P 500 will always grow. Yes companies will fall out of it, but their shares will be sold and reinvested in ones that are rising (Charles Schwabb even has an AI directed mutual fund too).

If T-bills ever become worthless, then AGI and rich people will become the least of your worries.

And we own a lot of investment properties, including a nice ranch.

Basically, invest what you can now (the financial illiteracy in this sub astounds me. I thought thst this would be a place with more educated individuals) and standby and wait for the future. This is still a democracy and you still have power. The people at the top have a vested interest in keeping something similar in appearance to the status quo.


p3opl3 t1_j5qzd31 wrote

I absolutely need to start investing more.. that's true... I look after my parents financially.. so it's harder than normal..

Fingers crossed on the UBI.. I have a feeling UBS is probably more realistic myself..

Great talk just released on TED about this...


PanzerKommander t1_j5r07dz wrote

I'll have to check that TED out. Big corporations are already expecting something like a UBI. I wouldn't be suprised if we see a mix of UBI and something like Friedman's Reverse Tax Credit to start off with.