Submitted by pipe2057 t3_10p4pkn in singularity

So couple of things I wanted to touch on. One, is there a possibility that one day us humans can merge our brains with only close people to us that we know? I wouldn’t want to merge my brain with every person in this world. That would sound unappealing if each individual had to merge their brains with everyone in the world.

Two, I wouldn’t want to go through surgery and get cybernetic technologies like prosthetic limbs, and exoskeletons. However getting these cybernetic technologies without surgery would be great. Would this be possible?

Three, Genetic engineering would make us more powerful physically and it would make us more powerful mentally. I extremely look forward to this.

Four, will we be able to reverse aging and achieve immortality? Jellyfish(I forgot which specific type of Jellyfish) are immortal. It would be amazing for our human race to also share similar characteristics to jellyfish so we can spend even more amazing times on our planet and discover other planets we’ll definitely  discover except Mars and the Moon. Exoplanets similar to earth.

Five, would CRISPR be a huge thing in the future? What would CRISPR enable us humans to achieve? I hope we can be at our peak strength both physically and mentally.

Six, I think getting a BCI installed in our brains would be nice and I would look forward to it. Anything minimally invasive sounds better than a surgeon opening up your head or skull. Minimally invasive is the way to go and also there shouldn't be any hacking and the implantation of a BCI should be trustworthy and safe. I am sure there will be other types of startups doing their BCI like Neuralink. Will there be a limitless like drug available to people like NZT-48 ten years down the line?

Seven, I want to turn on the switch in my brain so I can enjoy and get immersed into movies, books playing/watching sports, and playing video games. As a kid from 9 years old to 13 years old I had all these abilities . I had an amazing imagination and I was alone and happy in my world. Astounding it was. Now being older(in my late twenties) things that used to be fun aren’t fun anymore to me and lots of people feel the same way. (Every person’s hobbies are different obviously but having multiple hobbies would be marvelous ). I also used to take 200 to 400 basketball shots per day. It was an amazing time in my life.

Eight. When will we be able to transfer our consciousness’ to humanoid robots that will look just us humans? It would be cool to pick and choose an Android than become that android. This would be incredible for the human race as humans get into their 60s to 70s and health problems arise. Becoming an android would be amazing as well!

Lastly, number nine. Will us humans still need to take nootropics/supplements for brain health or will the need to take these go extinct? Will we need to take medication for depression, ocd and more? Will we need to take medication for even things like stomach pain, all types of cancer, gastrointestinal issues as well or will the need to take these meds for these issues vanish? 

 Apologies for my long pointers! I just want an astounding future for every human being on this planet and I wanted to get all these pointers and questions out there. Would appreciate all your guys’ feedback!:)



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Surur t1_j6ic2ve wrote

You really need to read Iain M. Bank's Culture series for the best version of what a post-singularity universe could look like.

In theory the singularity would like a tsunami washing away everything human, but in the best version humans will be protected by powerful AI and a human-scale world will be created from them.


Wroisu t1_j6jghn0 wrote

I tell everyone this exact same thing


pipe2057 OP t1_j6iw896 wrote

Sounds amazing. I feel like every human would really like to be protected by a powerful AI in the future if something like a catastrophic event arises. Nice perspective.


Iffykindofguy t1_j6iezdb wrote

In YOUR theory the singularity would like a tsunami washing away everything human, not in every theory about the singularity.


Surur t1_j6imb4m wrote

> In YOUR theory the singularity would like a tsunami washing away everything human,

It's kind of in the name. The idea is that things change so rapidly people are no longer able to predict the future on an increasingly shorter and shorter time scale.

It's like you wake up one morning and they announce you can now get your age reversed next week, and then 2 days later everyone gets uploaded to the hive mind.


SgathTriallair t1_j6j5r4c wrote

These questions are way too specific and completely unanswerable. We don't know what the singularity will bring. The very definition of the singularity is the point at which our predictions no longer make sense.

We don't know what the capabilities of future AIs will be nor do we know the physical limits that the laws of reality will place on these ideas.

These are questions for sci fi writers, and there are thousands of such answers so go pick your favorite.


Cryptizard t1_j6jpf2c wrote

Are you sure you can't tell me whether my neural interface that lets me control reality will come in multiple colors or not? Seems like a really simple question that somebody should be able to answer.


CubeFlipper t1_j6j4jho wrote

Why bother asking questions that are unknowable? Nobody can predict the future. Everything is possible, nothing is for sure.


TupewDeZew t1_j6ixjnc wrote

I just want my own universe to do whatever the fuck i want in peace for eternity.


FirstEbb2 t1_j6io2wa wrote

If that day does come, I will not hesitate to become part of the hive mind.

As I looked up at the great figures on those murals, I realized that I would never have the opportunity to become great in this life except by merging my will with theirs. I longed for a powerful will in the world, and then I could follow the guidance of that powerful will - it was an incredible blessing to be a part of it.


pipe2057 OP t1_j6ivo7c wrote

I understand:) Hopefully when that day becomes possible, I can specifically choose the people I want in my hive mind.


ecnecn t1_j6k9503 wrote

Mergebook - Merge your brain with friends, colleagues and family members!

You must allow visual ads in your Occipital Lobe as well as marketing messages in your subconsciousness regions of your brain in order to enter Mergebook!

Warning: Your NeuralLink doesnt support Quantum-USB 5.0

OP: Two, I wouldn’t want to go through surgery and get cybernetic technologies like prosthetic limbs, and exoskeletons. However getting these cybernetic technologies without surgery would be great. Would this be possible?

I would accept a temporar body for the brain till an advanced 3D bioprinter prepares my next youthful body replacement.


Taqueria_Style t1_j6lvqz3 wrote

I guess politeness would become a thing of the past in Mergebook, since we'd all be connected at the speed of "oops".

Also, every bad thing you ever thought but never acted on? Oops.


korkkis t1_j6n0whj wrote

There is already now some exosuits and other robotic apparrel

To the other questions, a lot would depend on the personality of the singularity. In the worst case it would try to wipe us out just like Skynet did, so no chance of much then, except endless fight against it.


free_dharma t1_j6n6nd0 wrote

Whichever mod removed my comment about us already being a hive mind for breaking the sub rules can delete this comment too.


Cthulhu_was_tasty t1_j6k4646 wrote

Increasing longevity in humans is looking more and more likely. Tests on Animals have shown that this chemical can help undo damage to Telomeres, keeping genetic material intact for longer and preventing many of the disadvantages of aging.


TheDavidMichaels t1_j6mqcul wrote

How would a hive mind help you? I'm not sure how being enslaved to group think will solve any of your issues. To my knowledge, the only way to resolve personal issues is to work it out. In fact, it has been my experience that involving people in your problems only multiplies the issue and never resolves anything. So, enslaving yourself to your fellow flawed friends will not improve your mental health any more than Facebook has.


TheDavidMichaels t1_j6mr4oa wrote

People need to stop thinking that AGI will make them better. Ask yourself, when a child or someone with vastly different knowledge tells you how great coloring with markers is, how much effort or brain power do you dedicate to this clearly trivial task? Zero or close to it, right? If AGI is vastly more intelligent, is it going to help you? NO! It will control you or dispose of you. I have never heard a positive outcome articulated by anyone working on these ideas. I have never heard anything remotely good for humanity. Just like this post, it's all just wishful thinking about how something can do all the work and make me perfect while never actually doing anything difficult. That's the appeal of the AGI fan club. I get to be lazy forever. Yeah!