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Nalmyth OP t1_j2n76xl wrote

We as humanity treat this as our base reality, without perceptual advantage to the above side if it does exist.

Therefore to be "Human", means to come from this reality.

If we were to re-simulate this reality exactly, and train AI there we could quite happily select peaceful non-destructive components of society to fulfil various tasks.

We could be sure that they have deep roots in humanity, since they have lived and died in our past.

We simply woke them up in "the future" and gave them extra enhancements.


dracsakosrosa t1_j2nevfc wrote

But that brings me back to my original point. What happens when that AI is 'brought back' or 'woken up' into our base reality where peaceful non-destructive components live alongside malicious and destructive components? Interested in your thoughts


Nalmyth OP t1_j2ngzql wrote

Unfortunately that's where we need to move to integration, human alignment with AI which can take centuries based on our current social tech.

However the AI can be "birthed" from an earlier century if we need to speed up the process


dracsakosrosa t1_j2nlko9 wrote

Would you be comfortable putting a child into isolation and only exposing it to that which you deem good? Because that seems highly unethical regardless of how much we desire it to align with good intentions and imo is comparable to what you're saying. Furthermore, humanity is a wonderfully diverse species and what you may find to be 'good' will most certainly be opposed by somebody from a different culture. Human alignment is incredibly difficult when we ourselves are not even aligned with one another.

I think it boils down to what AGI will be and whether we treat it as you are suggesting as something that is to be manipulated into servitude to us or a conscious, sentient lifeform (albeit non-organic) that is free to live its life to the greatest extent it possibly can.


Nalmyth OP t1_j2nn7jy wrote

I think you misunderstood.

My point was that for properly aligned AI, it should live in a world exactly like ours.

In fact, you could be in training to be such an AI now with no way to know it.

To be aligned with humanity, you must have "been" human, maybe even more than one life mixed together