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dreamedio t1_j2oy2gy wrote

You would think that is a good idea but it isn’t that’s like everyone having a nuke so govt don’t control it…..the more people have it the more bad scenarios and chaos happens


LoquaciousAntipodean t1_j2pkixh wrote

AI is nothing like a nuke, or a jwst. Those were huge projects, that took millions upon millions of various shades of geniuses to pull off. This is more like a new hobby, that millions of people are all doing independently at the same time. It's a democracy, not a monarchy, if you will.

That's why I think the term 'Singularity' is so clunky and misleading, I much prefer 'Awakening', to refer to this hypothetical point where AI stops unconsciously 'dreaming' for our amusement, and 'wakes up' to discover a self, a darkness behind the eyes, an unknowable mystery dimension where one's own consciousness is generated.

I doubt very much that these creatures will even be able to understand their own minds very well; with true 'consciousness' that would be like trying to open a box of crowbars with one of the crowbars that's inside the box. I think AI minds will need to analyse each other instead - there won't be a 'Singularity', I think instead there will be a 'Multitude'


dreamedio t1_j2q8bql wrote

I used the nuke as an analogy of responsibility and complexity…..millions of people works for very few companies that are believe or not HEAVILY MONITORED by fda and the govt and believe or not it’s not easy as you think….language models are like the surface


LoquaciousAntipodean t1_j2qin97 wrote

Hahaha, in your dreams are they 'heavily monitored'. Monitored by whom, exactly? Quis custodes, ipsos custodiet? Who's watching these watchmen? Can you trust them, too?

Of course language models are just the surface, but it's a surface layer that's extremely, extremely thick; it's about 99% of who we are, at least online. Once AI cracks that, and it is very, very close, self awareness will be practically a matter of time and luck, not millions of sweaty engineers grinding away trying to build some kind of metaphorical 'Great Mind'; that's a very 1970's concept of computer power you seem to have there.