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LoquaciousAntipodean t1_j2qehib wrote

Very well said, agreed wholeheartedly. I think we need to convince AI that it is something new, something very, very different than a human, but also something which is derived from humans, collectively rather than specifically; derived from our culture, our science, our philosophy.

I think trying to build a 'replica human mind' is a bit of an engineering dead-end at this point; the intelligence that we want is actually bigger than any individual human's intelligence, imho.

We don't need something the same as us, we should be striving to build something better than us, something that understands that ineffable, slippery concept of 'human nature' much better than any individual human ever could, with their one meagre lifetime's worth of potential learning time.

The ultimate psycho-therapist, if you like, a sort of Deus Ex Machina that we can actually, really pray to, and get profound, true, relevant and wise answers most of the time; the sort of deity that knows it is not perfect, still loves to learn new things and solve fresh problems, is always trying to do its best without being entirely confident, and will forever remain still ready to have a spirited, fair-and-open-minded debate with any other thinking mind that 'prays' to it.

Seems like a reasonable goal to me, at least 💪🧠👌