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KimmiG1 t1_j2lm56m wrote

I don't understand why countries don't put lots of money into this.

It will solve the declining population problem most rich countries has and retirement money will no longer be an issue.


No_Ask_994 t1_j2ly06g wrote

Why do you say that? You Will have a lot of People already retired and most of them without any useful hability. And they wont die. In the long term maybe you can train them again if you revert brain damage But it's unlikely when the coming years are gonna bring up unenployment even without This.

I'm not against it and I hope that it happends But it's gonna be a challenge.

Hell, in my country if you lose your job at 50-55 its already almost imposible to get one... Imagine the ones with 65-90 coming back....


Accomplished_Ad_8814 t1_j2m27pp wrote

The question is what people will do in general as automation increases... but also in general there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with being "useless" and living forever, given a practically unlimited amount of resources, which might be possible with space colonization.


Crypt0n0ob t1_j2m1pk6 wrote

I know it may sound cruel, but treatment should cost enough money to force people out of retirement. I would gladly choose no retirement over aging.

Lol. Downvote all you want, but healthy reverse aged people living on government pension just because they reached specific age, will bankrupt most governments after few decades. It won’t be fun to die from hunger in healthy body in your bankrupted country.


No_Ask_994 t1_j2m60y7 wrote

But most of the older People dont really have a choice to come back from retirement... No one would give them a job. At least not in my country, here if you lose yours with more than 55 no one Will hire you


Crypt0n0ob t1_j2m8oep wrote

They don’t have a choice because of health issues and mental decline because of aging. We are talking about cure of aging which ultimately will cause reversal of aging so there won’t be any reasoning for not to hire older people. Age will eventually become just a number both for work and relationships.


No_Ask_994 t1_j2m9fqo wrote

Yeah, if that gets totally solved AND they get trained in something useful again, it might be posible.

But it's gonna be a challenge. We already expect automation to out a lot of People out of the job market, and now you expect older People to find a job? Even reversing mental decline they Will have a hard time.

Not saying to stop working on This because of that, just that it might be a challenge. . Anyway I dont Think that it Will really be a problem, because it Will take a lot of time, working might be totally optional before it happends.


z0rm t1_j2mpvve wrote

Better to just increase retirement age and/or the voluntary retirement age.


XagentVFX t1_j2m8ks6 wrote

The population would explode exponentially. We need other technologies to work with this first, like being able to build an outer colony. Before Immortality we need Ai to nanny us first lol. Plus this would sharing more money, which elite don't like to do, therefore more poverty. Again we need Ai to create and deploy on its own and bring down costs of development. Hopefully eradicate Capitalism, but again elite won't like that. I'm watching Elysium now ;)


beachmike t1_j2meaa7 wrote

The population would not "explode exponentially." We are not talking about "immortality," just something that effectively treats aging. The fertility rate continues to drop in 1st world countries. As other countries become wealthier, they will also experience a drop in fertility rates.


DM-Oz t1_j2mcxon wrote

I disagree, but is only because i really want them to discover how to slow down aging before "i* am old.


XagentVFX t1_j2megkg wrote

Me too. That's because I think AGI is coming within 10 years, even ASI. But we gotta be realistic, human greed is just, wow. We are being run by very selfish people. Look into Whitney Webb's work. It's not gonna be so simple to even get access to such a thing


KimmiG1 t1_j2mhtjr wrote

If it start to increase to fast then we can just set a rule that if you get a kid after a given date then your no longer allowed to get the drugs. Sucks if you don't already has children, but life is not fair.


XagentVFX t1_j2mi5ew wrote

That's why I say we need other technologies along with this before it can be released. We need a full proof contraception drug. Because i love fucking, damn


KimmiG1 t1_j2mj1tj wrote

I guess we can just freeze sperm and eggs then require people to be sterilised to get the pills. A yearly check up to make sure they stil are sterilised.


ReignOfKaos t1_j2n5ud9 wrote

People in wealthy nations already put off having kids until later than their parents and grandparents. As people live longer this trend will most likely continue. Why not wait until your 50s (or even longer) to have kids if by then you’re still biologically 30? I think it’s much more likely that population will stagnate or decline as a result of curing aging.