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Ortus14 t1_j2lqgx2 wrote

For any one taking senolytics, keep in mind that senescent cells don't normally build up excessively in the body until late age and they're used for wound healing. So taking a bunch of senolytics while young may have higher risk/lower potential gain than taking them when you're older, which still doesn't yet have good human data.

Human trials seem to cost a lot, and be rare, so we have plenty of animal studies and not many human studies.


Villad_rock t1_j2nml79 wrote

Aren’t many senolytics in human trials like the ones from the Mayo Clinic.


Ortus14 t1_j2o1avw wrote

I hope we will see the results of those trials. I hear about so many human trials under weigh, and I wait for years, and nothing comes out about them. I think most null results don't get published, which is a big problem in the scientific community.

But again, hopefully we see some results of these trials and they get published somewhere even if they are null, inconclusive, or negative results.