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Crypt0n0ob t1_j2m1pk6 wrote

I know it may sound cruel, but treatment should cost enough money to force people out of retirement. I would gladly choose no retirement over aging.

Lol. Downvote all you want, but healthy reverse aged people living on government pension just because they reached specific age, will bankrupt most governments after few decades. It won’t be fun to die from hunger in healthy body in your bankrupted country.


No_Ask_994 t1_j2m60y7 wrote

But most of the older People dont really have a choice to come back from retirement... No one would give them a job. At least not in my country, here if you lose yours with more than 55 no one Will hire you


Crypt0n0ob t1_j2m8oep wrote

They don’t have a choice because of health issues and mental decline because of aging. We are talking about cure of aging which ultimately will cause reversal of aging so there won’t be any reasoning for not to hire older people. Age will eventually become just a number both for work and relationships.


No_Ask_994 t1_j2m9fqo wrote

Yeah, if that gets totally solved AND they get trained in something useful again, it might be posible.

But it's gonna be a challenge. We already expect automation to out a lot of People out of the job market, and now you expect older People to find a job? Even reversing mental decline they Will have a hard time.

Not saying to stop working on This because of that, just that it might be a challenge. . Anyway I dont Think that it Will really be a problem, because it Will take a lot of time, working might be totally optional before it happends.


z0rm t1_j2mpvve wrote

Better to just increase retirement age and/or the voluntary retirement age.