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ejpusa t1_j69hgv5 wrote

Google is just weird. It's a breakdown in management.

AI will put us out of business!
The Google MBA

But didn't we have a big role in invented the latest AI?
The Google AI Scientist

AI will put us out of business!
The Google MBA

It's just a breakdown. This happens. All the time. Just an evolutionary process. Once worked at a startup in NYC, with 5 MBAs running the shop. They just could not understand Open Source. Incomprehensible to them. And these were 5 Ivy League grads.

"How can something be for free? That makes zero sense."

We ended up paying $25K a month of a "custom build web server" application. It never worked, it was disaster. I said, just use Apache. It's free!

"Free can not be better than $25,000 a month. That's IMPOSSIBLE."

Company folded.

They just didn't get it. Same story at Google, they just don't get it. And the "business guys" there run the show. Not the coders.