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mutantbeings t1_j5xb0qs wrote

I think you might underestimate AGI.

There will be no need to "sell" anything anymore when your AGI can simply take it and there will be nothing anybody can do to stop you.


visarga t1_j5xwhfk wrote

I think you give God-like attributes to AGI. It is not supernatural.

We still have encryption and security software, humans themselves are GPT-N level, we might have our own GPT-N non-agent AIs we can safely use, there are billions of us, it is hard for AI to build its own chips without us, it is easy for humans to replicate without external tech, we are EMP proof.

A smart AGI would try to download itself into human body first, but that would mean humans can be upgraded to level up with AGI. The future is not conflict but union. AGI is born from our data and will merge back with us to get the benefits. Btw, centaur chess (human+AI) beats both human and AI.