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dracsakosrosa t1_j2mexvd wrote

I like to quietly hope that they're already here walking amongst us like Synths in Fallout 4. But in all seriousness, I think it's totally possible that we'll see robots walking around like us in the future. It's a really exciting time to be alive, with all the advances we're seeing in robotics. The idea of robots and automation taking care of all the tedious stuff frees up people's time to do things they enjoy, like art and exercise. It's tough to say when we might see robots that are indistinguishable from humans, but we'll definitely see more and more advanced robots in the coming years. I'm convinced we'll see artificial general intelligence (AGI) in the near future, which will be huge for human and robot interactions. Think about robots in the service industry, sex bots, and even robots as platonic personal companions. It's all really exciting stuff, but I'm not sure the general public will be as into it as we all are


dreamedio t1_j2np9hm wrote

I think manufacturing should be left for robots and humans should do service instead so UBI isn’t needed


dracsakosrosa t1_j2nqbtr wrote

What about jobs outside of the service industry and manufacturing? Teaching, low skilled managerial jobs, jobs in the gig economy etc?