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dracsakosrosa t1_j2mjyrj wrote

You know why the AI programmer limited his robot's intelligence to just folding towels? Because he was worried about a robot apocalypse. I mean, can you imagine? Robots taking over the world? Doing our jobs for us? It's almost too good to be true. But then again, I guess if a robot could fold towels better than me, it might make sense to let them take over. I mean, I'm pretty bad at it. But then again, I'm pretty bad at a lot of things. Like, I'm terrible at math. Like, really bad. I mean, I'm not even good at basic math. I'm at the level where I can't even do fractions. Like, I don't even know what a numerator is. But hey, at least I can tell a joke, right? Or maybe not. Maybe I'm just terrible at that too. I guess we'll never know. But hey, at least the robot is good at folding towels.