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imlaggingsobad t1_j6ev0yh wrote

the next 10 years will be beyond your wildest dreams. Biotech revolution will happen, just like the internet or computing revolution before it.


questionasker577 t1_j6fmmee wrote

Can you elaborate on this? What does this mean for the average person?


28nov2022 t1_j6fzi9x wrote

Unfortunately I can't answer what's around the corner, but there's been a trend of acceleration in healthcare that's cause for my optimism.

In general terms, the time it takes to double medical knowledge has decreased from several years to just 3 months. Thats a huge volume of health data that humans alone can't process but machines can.


PissinContrition t1_j6for48 wrote

It's just like building or developing anything else. It's all about the foundations and scaling upwards from there. When AI is capable of producing inventions and methods to actually improve itself, it's game over. After that, everything changes in completely unpredictable ways. But, if we're thinking about things foundationally, biomedical tech would probably be one of the earliest focuses we'd aim the AI towards.


questionasker577 t1_j6fx6tm wrote

But is this curing diseases? Editing babies? Editing the genes of people currently living?

What does AI in biomedical tech actually specifically and practically look like?


turbospeedsc t1_j6kf98n wrote

Boomers won't die, they will extend their life making them sell everything until they bleed them dry, millennials won't inherit anything, corporate will buy all those properties, next generations will be renters until they die.