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SoylentRox t1_j6evlu7 wrote

I think there will be 'overhang'. AI is developed into AGI. AGI is able to control lesser forms of biology at will. (custom plants, custom small animals, immortal pets).

And then gradually the performance gets so good that the FDA and other bottlenecks are bypassed once it simply can't be denied how good the results are. Hundreds of millions of people will die who could have been saved, just like the FDA slow walking moderna cost millions of lives.

Try not to be among them.


Northcliff t1_j6h0ftd wrote

>slow walking modeRNA

My sides, this fucking sub


SoylentRox t1_j6h74gz wrote

You do understand that zero modifications were made to the formula. If the FDA had just approved it immediately it WOULD have saved hundreds of thousands of lives.

This was a rationally designed vaccine - it wasn't random. The sequences used had all been tested, and the protein targeted was picked from a model of the virus. So there was a legitimate scientific reason to believe it would be safe and effective the first try like it was.

The FDA's defense mechanisms are essentially designed for quacks a century ago, to make it so they couldn't push their snake oil.