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Ill_Flounder2095 t1_j6f1bz0 wrote

The duration timelines provided are only viable if the majority of 1) resource holders, 2) masses, or 3) special interest groups invest resources into developing an AI series of entities into involving themselves in. It requires an investor to make these things happen. That requires an individual or individuals to establish their resources toward the goal. If some one or one of those groups gains enough resources or influence to leverage on others to invest in, then the tech will evolve that way.

Whatever the goal, someone needs to effort towards making that happen. In the end, it's about individuals aiming an AI towards that goal to make it accomplish that goal series of potential directions. If everyone just chills and hopes, then the masses will guide it or the resource holders with their personal interests will guide it.

That being said. If the person (or persons) have a medical issue from their experience, whatever it may be, we can expect that to be solved first.