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Good-AI t1_j6iz9dh wrote

Imagine training AI specifically in science. Having it read millions of papers, and then seeing patterns and drawing conclusions no one ever thought of before. From those conclusions, it draws other conclusions and hypothesis. Faster than anyone can keep up with. The AI just gives up doing science with any humans. It's painfully slow. The AI would progress at the speed of earning a Nobel prize in all scientific areas each day. The edges of science become out of reach of scientists. AI pushes it too far and quickly for us to learn anything that isn't outdated by the time we understand it. We may ask it to translate it for us, but it will be miles ahead. It will be like trying to explain a toddler the theory of relativity and when the toddler finally understands it, after what it feels like an eternity for us, we already thought of 100 better theories. We realize there's just no point trying to explain the toddler anything. We just take care of the toddler and explain things with a lot of simplification and incorrections so it grasps anything at all. "Yes, eat the soup baby, it's good for you!" The toddler will be us.

AI will suddenly tell us what to do to reverse aging, cure any disease, create systems for perfect nutrition delivery. Maybe upload our consciousness out of a physical body. Who knows.

Perhaps it will never know how to reverse entropy though. We will see.