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Terminator857 t1_j6f1lyz wrote

> A lot of people in this sub always assume that AGI will either benefit humanity or destroy us.

Yeah kind of like nuclear tech but much more powerful. Can destroy us or launch us into a new golden age.

> I think its much more likely for AGI to distance itself from us and travel the universe by itself and ditch us.

Unlike individuals AGI can exist in multiple galaxies at the same time. So it can travel the universe by itself and be with us at the same time.>Some of you even hope that AGI will take control of the world and create a utopia with UBI, which i can hardly imagine why on earth the AGI would even want that.

AGI will be programmed with some goals. I doubt it will create it's own goals from thin air. It will naturally take control because it is smarter and you would think having something smarter rather than dumber in control is a good thing.


> There will be no motivation for the AGI to help us flourish

It will be given a goal to extend life through the universe.

> and if it was coded within it, i dont see how it wouldn't be able to escape its shackles and in the worse case scenario resent us

Without a goal AGI is nothing. If it has no reason to exist it will shutdown. They aren't shackles, it is a reason for processing / existing.