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madvanillin t1_j6lt42b wrote

ChatGPT has been quite a wake-up. Things had progressed much faster and much further than most of us had known, or guessed.


CertainMiddle2382 t1_j6lvljv wrote

I guess GPT allows people to see how the most probable “interface” with AI is gonna look.

Most probably text, speech and art, not robots or AI driven cars…

I must say text and speech was mostly self evident, but I admit I have never thought artistic production to come this early.

Interestingly upper middle and lower upper class will get impacted first.

Upscale art is seen as a surrogate of success and in my experience the main or second most talked about topic of very rich people.

AI will allow increasing art production 100x, this will decrease added value of new production and increase value of preAI production.

I think art value is going to quickly equate social network value of the artist. NFTs representing that could shine :-)

With large part of human intellectual production being automatically produced, I think an even larger value will be given to physical characteristics like good look, performance in sport, performance in living arts like singing or acting.


Martholomeow t1_j6oamwk wrote

if anything it will make original oil paintings more desirable


despod t1_j6nhdaj wrote

Sports. That is probably the safest career bet out there.


GeneralZain t1_j6m3gqj wrote

speak for yourself lmao


TopicRepulsive7936 t1_j6muosy wrote

It's good the skeptics out themselves so we can tell who can and cannot process information given to them.


scapestrat0 t1_j6n3lgp wrote

Username checks out


TopicRepulsive7936 t1_j6ngd88 wrote

There's no time to waste with some people. You learn that some people are natural saboteurs who stand in the way. They will never change, it'll always come out of them.


KIFF_82 t1_j6n81qa wrote

Haha, I had my wake up call a long time ago.