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Ortus14 t1_j2vkias wrote

I don't remember everything I took, it was many years ago, but at one point or another I'm pretty sure I tried every single racetam. And a bunch of other things.

My intuitive sense is that things that over clock your brain such as racetams have negative long term effects if continuously taken. If you only take it to study for a specific test, or solve a specific problem, that's a different story.

While other things such as acetylcholine and L-Tyrosine found abundantly in our food sources are utilized effectively by the body and brain without significant long term damage. However because our bodies evolved to effectively utilize compounds coming in as clusters in our natural food sources, that's reason to believe there's a significant probability that it would be better for our health as well as cognitive performance if we get these compounds by eating whole foods such as eggs and liver.

But I'm not a doctor. Do your own research. After getting head aches that lasted for years and years, with a large portion of my brain feeling like there was a block of cement in it and in pain, I researched online and found a forum full of around a hundred or so people who all had the same symptoms from racetams I believe it was. This was like, 10 years ago, so I wouldn't be able to find the forum.


OtherworldDk t1_j2vxsjx wrote

.. Talk about anekdotial evidence... You tried all of them, and a brunch of other stuff, so cause and effect must be quite blurry here... But then again the chatGPT propably didnt try any of them!


Ortus14 t1_j2w0nb8 wrote

Sure, it's a gamble if you want to take them.

My comment is more about not getting lulled into a false sense of security about things that do not have long term studies on their effects.

Especially things that aren't in the form we evolved to consume them in, and for which we don't understand their full mechanism of action in the body, such as racetams.


OtherworldDk t1_j2wfbdd wrote


yes, I agree on avoiding the feeling of false security. I have stayed away from synthetic substances unless I actually knew the chemist, and knew that the batch was tried and approved... Som from the list above, I can only, and only anecdotally, vouche for the mushrooms


Sotamiro t1_j2w1uq2 wrote

I tried aniracetam and I do get a headache each time I take a pill, thanks for your report


digitalwankster t1_j2ygijj wrote

Was it I ran a nootropic site about 10 years ago but I killed it off after reading about some webmasters getting in big trouble with the DEA.


Ortus14 t1_j2z3mo7 wrote

Maybe. Do you remember a bunch of people all talking about getting head aches that felt like a block of cement in their brains, and never went away?

If yes, then it was probably that one. I believe I remember the website having a dark background and lighter text.