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tinyogre t1_j66mu8m wrote

I don’t believe you.

Happy cake day though!


gambinesh t1_j66oajd wrote

Just like social media is today.


dr_set t1_j66px62 wrote

We don't need AI for that. For example, 2/3 of republicans believe that Biden stole the election.

People can be easily manipulated by anybody and has always been like that. That is why we have religion and they have been calling their followers "sheep" to their faces for more than 2000 years and themselves "pastor" or "shepherd".


Sashinii t1_j66q0e6 wrote

There's never been an ad that convinced me to buy shit I don't want and AI won't change that.


Mrkvitko t1_j66ratd wrote

AI will be something big corporations will use to gain even more influence over general population. And we'll all get to enjoy our cyberpunk dystopia.


Straddle_E_Do t1_j66s6y7 wrote

Computers have been used to manipulate and lie to the public for many decades. getting better and better.


Ezekiel_W t1_j66txel wrote

How is this not considered a low-effort post?


kongandme OP t1_j66u46t wrote

AI enhancing it so in near future 99% of population on earth will believe the lies from AI and big Corp will control everyone. 99% of the people on earth is just a tiny little sheep constantly being brainwashed by big corp and gov. So please wake TF up everyone!!


kongandme OP t1_j66u75u wrote

Stop being dumbed and stop believing in those stupid ads. You don’t need those dumb things in your life. Only buy things when you really absolutely sure that you really fcuking need it.


headypete42033 t1_j66xccm wrote

big pharma will have a field day with all the hypochondriacs and AI


applebrown76 t1_j66y5bu wrote

It’s the 4th Industrial Revolution. Embrace it! Don’t be like the people who claimed horses would never become obsolete.


Ezekiel_W t1_j67087j wrote

The topic is important and worth discussing, but it's a bit too broad and not specific enough. Can you give a bit more detail on what you mean? Are you talking about how social media companies use AI to influence people? Or are you worried about advanced AI like chatGPT or AGI? Or maybe deepfakes are on your mind? A little more info would go a long way.


eve_of_distraction t1_j67a3h1 wrote

I'm thinking of leaving this sub. The quality over just the last month has been in freefall.