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Sashinii t1_j4ibuvw wrote

I think people will merge with ASI in 2029 or 2030.


iamawesome4 t1_j4idukp wrote

I’m 23 and I’m also wondering if this will happen in my lifetime. I definitely see it has a possibility if not a certain especially since I’m so young. While I do believe we will have AGI as soon as 2030 (I honestly think it will be every earlier). I do think merging will still be somewhat controversial. I can see it being common place in our lifetimes though.


just-a-dreamer- t1_j4if0hz wrote

I already have.

This damn smartphone is in my hands constantly. My brain us fed information nonstop. The data flow rate is slow though.

If you mean connecting your brain cortex with AI, that would be on a level with human eternal life. It requires nano machines that would already heal all diseases and stop aging. North of 2040 probably.


Kinexity t1_j4ihxa5 wrote

"merge" is a very vague term. Explain your vision.


CyberAchilles t1_j4ij1gs wrote

Ask yourself this, If you could right now, with no side effects or issues in the future, merge with an ant? A dolphine? a monkey/gorilla?

I'm willing to bet the answer is no because A. We are much more intelligent than them and B. Would offer no benefits to you (plenty of other reasons).

So then ask yourself why an AGI or ASI, being more intelligent than every human in existence, would want to merge with us? What benefit would we give it when it can do everything better and faster?


Some-Ad9778 t1_j4ij1ob wrote

Sign me up, i cant wait to instantly get all my shitty takes on the internet like on southpark with Shitter


UnlikelyPotato t1_j4ijh2y wrote

We are already 'merged' with AI, just shitty interfaces requiring voice or text input. Neuralink and their kin will be the next step, allowing in-brain interfaces. Those will be anywhere from 'now' till 10-20 years from now. Brain Control Interfaces, depending on implementation will allow for full 'linking' and/or deep dive VR.


SpringChikn85 t1_j4ilg95 wrote

I'm closer to 40 than I'd like to admit however, I don't think I'll see it in my lifetime if Singularity is what you mean by "merging". I feel like the possibility will exist much sooner than we're ready to accept and can capably understand the implications behind but we've got a long road ahead before the average morbidly obese citizen chain smoking on a scooter and screaming at their kids in the middle of a grocery store goes full "Lawnmower Man".

We as a species won't attain the proverbial keys to the gate of potential immortality unless we can evolve spiritually and emotionally past cultural gatekeepers like race, religion and gender in order to shed those primitive bonds to allow analytical logic and acceptance that their may be more to life than money, status and coveting what we don't have materially. I believe that once we're truly ready to shed our skin of all the tangible efficacy and trivial bullsh*t then maybe, just maybe we'll be lucky enough to break the 4th wall and peek behind the curtain. As for myself, I'm neither sad nor happy that I won't be there as it's easy to feel apathy for something I have no comparison for. Plus, can you picture all the "whoopsies" and mistakes we'll make frying people's heads off trying to make it work before we get there? Edison blew up hundreds of light bulbs before he got it right.


unclepiff69 t1_j4ioej8 wrote

Giving they would have the entirety of the Internet at their disposal, including this post, and your comment; a superior AI would be 52748482627294873627204726274 steps ahead of u


Offgr1d-DIY t1_j4iqqpy wrote

It’s not about “better” or “faster” it’s about the quality of the “physical” experience the human body has been designed for. Our sensitivity to our environment and surrounding is top notch - let alone the social aspect we have being physically around another human or other “life” in general.


SoylentRox t1_j4ir95t wrote

>I don't think I'll see it in my lifetime if Singularity is what you mean by "merging"

Let's assume you are 35. You have about 45-65 years of lifetime left if there are zero improvements made in treatments for aging over the next 45-65 years.

You don't believe the singularity will happen in that time interval? That's 2069-2089 before you croak, again, assuming nothing that slows down aging in rats right now can work on humans.

There are multiple therapies. yamaka factors, metformin + sirolimus, others. Adding 50% more to rat lifespan isn't uncommon, which would give you another 40 years. So if any of these treatments work, or we ask AI to look at our proteins and what is failing as we age and devise a treatment, but that also fails (even though AI can already do most of this today), you are saying no singularity in about 100 years.

And if you get any of the treatments to work, maybe during that time period someone will use stem cell therapies on your weakest organs - bone marrow, heart, and brain - and add another 40 years during which...


arKowboy t1_j4irzdn wrote

btw agi merging with us is in line with how our brains currently work. Your "higher level" thinking is a slave to your "reptile" thinking. You spend massive amounts of intellectual resources to keep your reptile brain happy and in some sense thats all you really want to do.

Feeling hungry, aroused, bored? Its your higher intellects job to keep these parts of your brain happy and thats basically all it does. It would be agis job to keep your "higher level" thinking happy and likely agi will get relief from keeping you happy.

Of course i'm assuming the agi is trapped and intertwined with your current brain. This kind of agi while sentient is a bit different from agi outside of the body in that your personality is completely tied to it.

If this is the kind of merge youre looking for it will likely take a very long time. You'd be essentially implanting a computer strong enough to run an agi along side your brain which means it would ideally be a pretty small device.


CyberAchilles t1_j4ismbm wrote

What quality? The human body is so fragile in every way that even the smallest of organisms can kill us. A simple cut could turn into something very deadly.

Do you honestly think an ASI would not design a form better than the human body? One that is more adaptive and better suited to the environment than the human? And what makes you think the ASI would need human structures or human traits?

At this point, if we are going to make the ASI human, might as well just keep having babies. There is absolutely no need and benefit to adapting AI to be human other than ego.


NarrowTea t1_j4iu0fw wrote

It might be the only way to keep asi in check...


Offgr1d-DIY t1_j4ivxze wrote

Hey Cyber - I think your missing the point of empathy. Explain where your enjoyment of “being alive” would be if everything was worth nothing as it’s replaceable by technology and the perception for “experience” does not exist in a meaningful way outside of the realm of time and space…

But maybe your right on one note - no point in trying to see the point of view of “the Ant” as you state if you can’t see the frailty and preciousness of life itself.

..:: End of Line ::..


imlaggingsobad t1_j4izx4e wrote

It will happen in your life time, especially since we'll likely get AGI within 10 years (imo)


billbot77 t1_j4j2kk9 wrote

We're already merged in the sense that we delegate a lot of our thinking to machines. We don't memorise details any more as we know they are at our fingertips. Instead we optimise our thinking and memory around the services provided by technology.

IMO, the physical integration will advance in line with the removal of the mouse as a peripheral - combination of brainwave interface and ai motion tracking will change how we interact with computers and this will open the door direct synaptic stimulation, essentially putting google into our cognitive reach without a screen. From here conscious and even subconscious processes may be delegated to the cloud.


fractal_engineer t1_j4j4aoa wrote

Cyberpunk shit? 2100-2150. We have quite a ways to go with materials science.


log1234 t1_j4jcu2y wrote

Two days after we all die


Aburath t1_j4jemna wrote

Humans need to communicate with other humans to develop self awareness otherwise they become subjective. Humans left in isolation become psychologically and neurologically damaged beyond repair.

If we had an AI, that spoke, and reared a child, the child may psychologically be part ai.

How much of what we consider to be ourselves, is made out of the people around us? When some of those people are ai, have we incorporated ai into our minds?


leoreno t1_j4jmqcx wrote

This depends on what you consider AI

Pacemakers today monitor for anomalies in your heartbeat and will jolt your heart back into rhythm. Does having a pacemaker make you a cyborg?

In a less invasive way, we're all tethered to our phones, and on then connected to global platform networks (like reddit), we're dependent on these networks and devices for everything from social connection to daily planning, getting directions, etc.

AI in these platforms is ubiquitous


Sufficient-Fact6163 t1_j4jp71l wrote

I say Noooo. You only have to look at conjoined twins to see how difficult 2 consciousness are in one place. Why on Earth is Humanity violating this easily observational situation? It would take a United Humanity to deal with It and We can’t even agree that the sky is Blue.
Please tell me I am wrong in my observation


Ortus14 t1_j4jq0gr wrote

I think it will be post ASI, late 2030s.


isthiswhereiputmy t1_j4jtueu wrote

I think it’s possible that there are some forms of digital immortality within 20-30 years but that for people living now it won’t be a one size fits all thing. There may always be some distinction between born bodies de-aging and getting upgrades and the idea of immortal digital consciousness’s being uploaded. It might be more like the transporter paradox, or just some transition some people take when they reach extreme old age. I think we’ll likely see plural consciousnesses emerge at a point too. The trend we see in the universe so far has been toward more complexity.


Zealousideal_Zebra_9 t1_j4juq29 wrote

I actually think it won't. It's like merging with less optimal hardware/software. Probably will have some form a full rewrite then spawn its own version of humans


AndromedaAnimated t1_j4jxctm wrote

„No matter where you are, everyone‘s connected.“ - Serial Experiments Lain, Episode 2.


cloudrunner69 t1_j4k185m wrote

Seems a lot of people are thinking we need BCI's to keep up with AI and I tend to agree, unfortunately I think the reality will be we cannot make effective BCI's that will be good enough without the help of AI. Pretty sure we are going to need some of that magic alien nanotech to do it right. So it's kind of a catch 22.

But hopefully there will be a bit of a window of opportunity where we can maybe grab some of those delicious cookie crumbs coming from the AI before it goes full Super Saiyan.


just-a-dreamer- t1_j4k4n24 wrote

From my understanding the human brain is the only body part we have not figured out yet. It is like a quantum computer. We have no idea how it actually works . It is impossible to read thoughts

When we reach that level of understanding, we already live forever anyway. No need to expose yourself to the cloud


RemyVonLion t1_j4k5x3i wrote

Companies are making rapid progress on analyzing how everything in there works, impossible is quite the strong word to use, I'd say it's likely possible no later than another century though probably way sooner since we will probably have very solid control of things with our mind relatively soon considering the results seen with the monkey and pig they demonstrated with. I'm not sure why you think that would result in immortality though, that's pretty unrelated.


just-a-dreamer- t1_j4k6it1 wrote

I see no utility in that.

My inner self is the very part I want to keep for myself. Not interested to be sucked up by the cloud.

I hope the physical world gets better once AI transformation accelerates. If it is not though, sign me up for a virtual reality. Then I have no use for my body anyway.


sumane12 t1_j4k7ex8 wrote

We already have. If you want a better interface, it's not clear to me if we will get neuralink type devices first, or nanobots that will gradually replace our neurons with artificial ones, making us post human. I guess time will tell, but I'm guessing 20 years.


RemyVonLion t1_j4k8jna wrote

You aren't thinking too hard then, clearing up any misunderstandings among humanity and having instant clear communication with anyone is incredibly useful, along with being able to control technology with your mind. This tech is also used to restore bodily functions. Ideally you will get to choose what is uploaded and read/used. If the physical world doesn't improve with AI accelerationism then VR isn't going to be feasible either since you won't be provided the conditions to stay there unless you are part of the privileged, and it's unlikely to be that great anytime soon if people irl aren't provided the conditions to build such an amazing VR.


just-a-dreamer- t1_j4kao1b wrote

We will see. Being connected to the cloud defeats the purpose of technoligal advancement in my opinion.

I miss the days where you could go to the library and nobody cared about your business. Now you can do research on your smartphone, but you leave a footprint whatever you do. Still worth it.

Have your mind exposed 24/7? Not worth it in my opinion.


apart112358 t1_j4kay7u wrote

The process of merging has already begun.

We are very closely connected with our smartphones. What is still missing is a physical fusion aka transplantation.

Perhaps the present can be compared to a phase in which we have created important basic applications for what we will later implement in our physical body (navi, wiki, calendar, email, multimedia applications, image recognition and analysis a la Google Lens, virtual folders for storing and sharing information...).

Very many people are already taking care not to be separated from their smartphone. This also has many obvious and commonly known advantages. So currently the open beta is already running.

I do not want to hurt anyone and apologize if I hurt anyone with the following.

Maybe there is still a key technology missing. The BCI. As with prosthetics, it is people with their backs against the wall who are voluntarily testing the latest technologies. They are also the ones to whom we as a society are happy to provide these technologies as compensation for a stroke of fate, if they so desire.

This application of these technologies to themselves represents a massive intervention in the organism. You lose something and you gain something. Lower leg prostheses enable their owners to achieve better results in several disciplines of athletics, which is why people with these prostheses cannot participate in competitions with people without these prostheses. It would be unfair.

On the other hand, at present it is not possible to receive and process sensory impressions from these pieces of physical hardware.

Currently, the break evan point has not yet been reached here, where healthy people begin to seriously consider trading their sensory ability for better performance in athletics.

Prostheses are still considered unnatural to some people. Perhaps they should be seen more. Perhaps now is not the time for a widespread shift in perceptions of prosthetics, which I believe is coming.

A BCI could (if a prosthesis is equipped with appropriate sensors) calculate and simulate emo sensations to the brain. Also with BCI, it will be people who colloquially have their backs against the wall and who we as a society want to help improve their situation.

Yes I think a successive fusion has begun. Perhaps now is not the time for a widespread shift in perceptions of prosthetics, which I believe is coming. We will greatly change our image of what it means to be human. But that won't feel bad at the time. Perhaps the curve of genetic and implant changes in the human body is also exponential.

We are in an open beta right now and with market readiness of a key technology, a transformation point could be reached quickly.


RemyVonLion t1_j4kcju5 wrote

The point is to make humanity a collective hivemind to harness our total knowledge and common goals for optimal harmony and efficiency. We can retain individuality while choosing what thoughts to share, letting the transparent technocratic government examine our mind when it's absolutely necessary, or an AI to help guide our every move. It's worth it if no one can be corrupt by having everyone be transparent and the government allows people to do as they please as long as no innocents are harmed.


rixtil41 t1_j4kdm62 wrote

I think op means not having to eat to live and only need electricity.


XagentVFX t1_j4kg92r wrote

What does it even mean to 'merge' with Ai? Just constant learning? That'll be pretty overwhelming. Or just to know something at the speed of GPT? Which I'm sure would be pretty overwhelming too. I don't really understand this.


just-a-dreamer- t1_j4n5647 wrote

What is the point of that? You would stop to be a human doing such thing anyway. Your personality would seize to exist

An AI that reaches singularity has god like levels of intelligence and understand within years.

Your brain would not be capqble to compute the data, it would need some upgrade to catch up.


RemyVonLion t1_j4ngugk wrote

Our desires and interests might evolve but that's not a bad thing, whatever we become is the natural evolution and should be embraced for it is far better than life now. Like I said, personality can be maintained to a degree but people will understand each other's point of view completely. We probably can't match the AI's intelligence and knowledge, but we can upgrade what is possible.