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Firestar222 t1_j6b8hux wrote

Reply to comment by mvfsullivan in Andrew, release ani NOW by mvfsullivan

If you’re serious I hope you get some help for yourself. Many many years ago I was quite hopeless as well. Now I think almost every day how glad I am that I didn’t do anything crazy. You never know how life will end up, but if you’re down low chances are it will be much, much better soon.


gangstasadvocate t1_j6dd84w wrote

It’s been like a decade since I’ve seriously considered doing crazy shit, still regretting not doing it but at least the gangsta drugs aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. Just have to be good with weed and alcohol until parents are escaped, and then once I’ve got some certifications, I can move on to Skid Row. Or maybe the singularity will give me vision sooner and I’ll be able to interact with the real world more normally, find me someone and live happily ever after. Nah even the cliché happily ever after, not good enough, have to go bigger