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Hazzman t1_j34mxsq wrote

One of the biggest risks with AI now and in the future is people's propensity to anthropomorphize it. I've had endless discussions with people who want to get into inane arguments about whether or not this stuff is sentient. It isn't. You are looking at advanced pattern recognition systems. That is all. Go ahead and tell me how "wE aRe JusT adVanCeD pAtTeRn ReCoGnItIon sYsTeMs" so I know not to bother responding.

These systems are going to become more advanced as time goes by and people are going to be more willing and compelled to further anthropomorphize. It's annoying because it will eventually impact legislation and the same compulsions that drive the general public to make this mistake will be the same things that drive the legislature to create policy based on these misconceptions.