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drsimonz t1_j4f0a4x wrote

Most of the history of modern art is just a series of trolls searching for ever-more-ridiculous things to throw at the question "but is it art?" The answer is always yes. Every field, for every generation, has always had its cadre of conservative, myopic critics who insist the only real X is the X they grew up with. They always turn out to be wrong in the end, and the new X becomes so common that people forget it was ever controversial.


[deleted] OP t1_j4f317w wrote



drsimonz t1_j4f4lxh wrote

I'm sorry who are the talented people you think I'm attacking? Art critics? Or the people who invented things like Dada, pop art, and whatever the hell you call it when you wrap famous landmarks in plastic wrap. I'm not saying those people weren't artists, I'm saying their whole purpose was to challenge our conception of what "counts" as art (arguably this is now a requirement to be taken seriously by the art world).

As for anger, I'm not the one responding twice to the same comment bruh. You're entitled to your opinion of course, but prepare for disappointment. AI art is going to permeate every corner of your visual field within a few years, because most of the imagery we see on a daily basis is advertising, and businesses don't care if something is "real" or not. I feel really bad for all the commercial artists out there - they've already had to give up on free expression so they can get paid, and now it's going to be even harder to find a job. UBI can't come fast enough.


Weenog t1_j4ptqlh wrote

Dr.Simonz knows what's up. I like the way you think.