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MrEloi t1_j4w1s7l wrote

Had to happen : the Big Players won't give up their positions easily.

For example, do you really believe that Disney will allow small firms to use AI to generate decent quality films & videos for pennies?
(FYI Disney managed to get the US Govt to modify Copyright law in order to maintain commercial control of Mickey Mouse!)

The huge firms have the money to drain the finances of the small players, even if there is no real case to prove.

They also have the money to influence Copyright law, and the like, to their advantage.

At the end of the day, it will be Business As Usual, with all the toys being owned by the rich and powerful for their own advantage.


Villad_rock t1_j4wx0g1 wrote

What will disney do in eu countries? Yes can’t do shit


dr_set t1_j4z9ox2 wrote

The genie is out of the bottle. They can't put it back in. There is going to be a flood of biblical proportions of AI generated content and there's nothing that nobody can do about it.

If they try to fight it, it's going to be even more pathetic than the music industry trying to fight the digital downloading of music.


MrEloi t1_j4za6rm wrote

True .. but there will be several years of legal cases and general mayhem before the big media houses realise that the game is over.


alexiuss t1_j5559ok wrote

Open source movement cannot be stopped by Disney or anyone for that matter.

If Ais training is made illegal public domain systems will be trained and those using illegal ais will simply hide in their discord groups.


MrEloi t1_j55bq3c wrote

Probably right - but could take a few years.


pbhalava t1_j4w77w5 wrote

But, I do think it is important to protect your content. Today chatGPT is trained on so much info, which is based off books and blogs written by real people, who will not be credited for it, but the owners of chatGPT will earn in Billions.


MrEloi t1_j4w90dd wrote

People do exactly the same : they read many books and then write a book .. which is effectively based on the author's prior inputs.
Totally legal.


pbhalava t1_j4wa8fw wrote

Yeah, agree with you. But here it's about a corporation earning on the back of the work of millions of people, who will mostly be jobless due their new product. I am not arguing with you, there's no right or wrong here, but the point is, google and other search engines atleast reward the content creators. In chatGPTs case there's no such thing.
