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CheesyFriesAreBest1 t1_j6iwxbc wrote

Blockbuster would like to have a word with you


[deleted] t1_j6ixo3r wrote



lovesdogsguy t1_j6jf3i5 wrote

I don't think that's the best analogy. We're heading straight towards the vertical side of the exponential growth curve here. I mean, if we're not, then what's this sub for?

We clearly are — either we're already on it, or just about to hit it. There's going to be a deluge of tech / AI advancement over just the next 3 - 5 years. It's not going to replace everyone that quickly though; most companies are very slow to adapt.

I'm in Europe. If you're looking for job security, get a state / government job. I think they'll keep a lot of those jobs around just 'because'.


monsieurpooh t1_j6lce4v wrote

I'm inclined to agree somewhat; however, we've always been saying that. For 10, 20, 30 years we've been saying "now we're really at the point where it's gonna be vertical." By the way, a fun fact about exponential curves is there is no such thing as "knee of the curve" because everywhere on the curve is the "knee of the curve".