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civilrunner t1_j6j7xy5 wrote

Non-jokingly, construction general contractors that work on renovating old buildings will likely have work for a while and be one of the last replaced. Similarly surgeons (especially more general surgeons), hair cutters, ER doctors, really any physical labor job that requires a high level of flexibility in tasks especially in higher risk scenarios. They will all be augmented with AI tools, but likely not entirely replaced till most others are replaced as well. Anything that requires a professional license may also take time for society to not require a licensed overseer of an AI for things like signing off on designs, diagnoses, prescriptions, etc..

I suspect for new construction we'll be able to make it more automated by designing joints and methods in an easier to automate manner as well as incorporate more factory automation in the build process. For this reason it could be that in time old houses end up being a luxury commodity that wealthy people collect similar to old cars. However, hopefully that collecting is limited enough to not limit housing construction so that we can better meet demand (unlike today). In not that long it could easily be cheaper to tear down an old house and modernize it rather than renovate or repair it (assuming local building regulations allow you to).