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sumane12 t1_j6jpzsg wrote

Agree with everything apart from doctors and surgeons


CHARRO-NEGRO t1_j6k8ygk wrote

Doctor here! They need us to be blamed if something happens! The companies won’t take that responsibility


Grouchy-Friend4235 t1_j6kopd9 wrote

You are sadly mistaken on that one. AI will make far fewer errors and those that happen will be an easy win in court. MDs have shown in the pandemic that they have literally no clue.


CHARRO-NEGRO t1_j6n28h9 wrote

Totally agree, i knows AI will be better at many levels, for example, in those patients with 20 medications will be easy to know if there’s a contraindication between them. But my point is the responsibility. Here other example: two autonomous teslas has a crash, is the company tesla or the owners of the cars the responsible? Who’s going to pay? Who pays the insurance?


Hello_Hurricane t1_j6km1be wrote

I wonder if you could program AI to sign things with squiggles and other indecipherable text. I'd say, at that point, you may well be out of a job!


T51bwinterized t1_j6kn7cv wrote

The thing about doctors and nurses is that it's a profession where supply doesn't remotely meet demand. There is a huge leeway for efficiency upgrades without job loss in the field.

Eventually every modern profession will be obsolete. But ones with more "slack" for effeciency increase will take longer


Honest_Switch1531 t1_j6khr3n wrote

AI doctors will be much better than human ones. Its impossible for a human doctor to know about every possible illness. There will probably still be a need for a trained technician to do tests etc.


p0rty-Boi t1_j6kityn wrote

And they will lack inherent human biases hopefully.


turbospeedsc t1_j6khclk wrote

you can have nurses taking symptoms (if not he patient itself), the AI will give you a "pre-diagnosis" then a doctor signs on it, you can replace 5 doctors with one and 2-3 nurses.

Surgeons will take longer, just a 30-40% on staff reductions for hospitals is too good to let go.


ecnecn t1_j6lp305 wrote

I have seen doctors in oncology sector that really did nothing - have all the tools to dig further (molecular tumor boards, advanced marker tester, leftover experimental antibody drug conjugates from studies, access to newest cyberknife) and literally subscribing the same chemo for every case no matter how special some genetics are, no matter if people have multiple or just oligometastases etc. Ignoring some conditions and side effects till its too late for certain patients. I have seen so many worrying cases that I prefer an AI Doctor in such cases with a broader overview.


starstruckmon t1_j6l0a56 wrote

Very few patients are going to be okay with robotic surgery that isn't supervised by a doctor. It doesn't even matter if it's technically better. Patients are just not going to trust it. Same with pilots. Even if it's fully auto-pilot they'll want someone to take control if something goes wrong. Trains are much easier to automate yet they still have an engineer/driver.