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Beatboxamateur t1_j6jrm4y wrote

I heard an interesting idea that baby/kid caretakers will be the last jobs that only humans can do, because for the foreseeable future, even a robot more intelligent than a human won't be able to give the human touch/care that babies need to develop.


Honest_Switch1531 t1_j6kjw5n wrote

Child care workers are some of the lowest paid workers around. The quality of your average child care worker is very low. I would trust a good robot over a poorly trained 20yo any day


Ashamed-Asparagus-93 t1_j6ks1ui wrote

Same because the bot can just call you if something goes wrong or have live video so you can check in without having boring conversations with the sitter


Beatboxamateur t1_j6l9ymn wrote

I'm counting mothers/parents in this too(although there are also a lot of shit parents), but the general idea still stands, that babies/young children need human input to learn language and basic communication skills. Your entire personality is formed in your early formative years, and that's heavily dictated how you were raised, what kind of body and facial expressions you acquired via the people around you, as well as language. I don't think it'll be so easy for AIs to replace mothers and other people who raise young children. I wasn't referring specifically to the work itself, just the importance of the human interaction.


ObieKaybee t1_j6lakea wrote

At that point, you wouldn't need to do it as a job, as (ideally) parents would be taking care of their own children and not have to work in the first place.


Beatboxamateur t1_j6laxk2 wrote

That's true, my comment was less about the job itself and more about something that can't be replaced by AI so easily. The human interaction you get as a baby/young kid basically dictates your whole personality and language, etc.