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cloudrunner69 t1_j4f88bw wrote

I don't get why tranhumanism is some niche subcultuire. The fusing of human and machine seems like it will be a natural process that sweeps throughout all life whether they want it or not. If anything all I see tranhumanists as are people who are just more aware than others of this incoming tidal wave of cyberization.


[deleted] OP t1_j4fbjf7 wrote

That sounds horrific, not like a natural process at all. Rapid changes tend not to be so smooth. Well, natural like an extinction.

That scenario is actually one we must prevent at all costs.


SoulGuardian55 t1_j4fkvjo wrote

Throughout history, mankind always seeks for means to enhance itself, overcome it's limits. By cybernetic implants, biotech, nanotech and everything in between are paths towards those goals.